What We Do

The People We Serve:

Pre-Marital Couples

We enjoy helping seriously dating and engaged couples learn some basic relationship skills so they can get off to a good start. They benefit by spending time learning about their temperament differences, as well as their strengths as a couple and areas of possible challenge. The skills taught and topics covered in marriage coaching are also helpful to couples in serious relationships and will lay a great foundation for the future.

Marriage Enrichment Couples

Any marriage can use some tuning up to keep it going strong. We help couples keep their marriages in top shape by increasing their emotional literacy and improving their communication and conflict resolution skills.

Conflicted Marriages

Having gone through a separation ourselves, and being highly conflicted even before our separation, we are called to comfort others with the comfort we received from Christ. We are passionate about helping couples learn new ways of communicating and handling conflict resolution through marriage coaching and skills training. Depending on the severity of the couple’s issues we may discuss with them about working in tandem with other caregivers such as pastors, elders, or professional counselors.

Individual Spouses in Conflicted Marriages

Sometimes only one party is ready to work on the marriage. Though we prefer to work with both spouses, we can meet with one of them one-on-one (same sex) or meet as a couple with a spouse either in person or by phone. Sometimes, it really does just take the stubbornness of one spouse to pursue God and their marriage to make a huge difference.


All of these entities are filled with people who want to have better relationships. The skills we teach are transportable between work and home environments. It’s exciting to see the multiplied impact that can be had through the interconnections of the workplace. Many people spend as many waking hours at work as they do at home, so those relationships are important also. Sharon has worked with businesses, home school leadership teams, chambers of commerce, and church small group leadership teams, using the assessments for individuals and for team building workshops.

A Sampling of the Tools in Our Toolbox:

PAIRS (Purpose Built Families)

These communication skills were God’s lifeline to us to help us get unstuck in our communication and conflict resolution. We believe passionately that couples need practical communication skills in their relationship, so we often teach at least three of them in almost any setting.

Life Coaching/Christian Marriage Coaching

Both of us have been trained as Christian Life Coaches with Lifeforming Leadership Coaching. We are also certified in marriage coaching. Marriage Coaches listen, ask powerful questions, share from their own marriages, and teach and facilitate the proper use of communication and conflict-resolution skills. Couples retain control of the focus of coaching, choice of goals and action steps, and the duration of the coaching process. Marriage coaches also give support, encouragement, and accountability as the client/s moves forward in achieving those goals.


We are trained Marriage Mentors. Mentoring is typically an older couple passing on experiences to a younger couple. We do some of this combined with coaching as the client needs.


We are certified in Leading From Your Strengths, PREPARE/ENRICH, and FOCCUS/REFOCCUS assessments to help couples and individuals know where to focus on their relationship during coaching.

Trainings, Events, and Workshops

We are comfortable in large group settings of 10 to 100+ people and also in small groups of 4 to 20, such as a house church, small group, marriage ministry teams, leadership teams, and couples who want to enrich their marriages.

Whether we work with a large group, a small group, a couple, or an individual, we have a wide variety of skills and resources to tailor our approach to individual circumstances. Many of those are listed under resources on our website. In all forums, we combine our testimony of God’s grace and faithfulness in our own marriage with teaching innovative communication and relationship skills.