Digging Deeper Into Biblical Words ~ Introduction

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, NASB1995).

I’ve searched www.biblegateway.com for certain words in Scripture, such as love, joy, and peace, most often from the New Testament. Then, I copied those references into a Word doc and eliminated any references that did not seem to be germane to the word being studied. I left the links to the context, full chapter, and other translations so you can quickly study further.

I made some observations, but I primarily want the reader to make their own.

If you want to study a specific verse with links to concordances or interlinear Scripture, I highly suggest going to www.Biblehub.com and typing in the verse reference.

So often, when I hear various debates about the meaning of a word in Scripture, one party will mention that the other party took the word out of context, one will emphasize their favorite translation or dismiss other translations, or they will debate about the original Greek.

I like to study for myself. However, I am not enough of a scholar to definitively have my own opinion about which understanding is correct. With all the Bible tools available, I think I can have a stronger understanding of the issues and also more of an inclination of what I think the correct understanding might be or if there are two very valid understandings.

I find BibleGateway great for researching the many uses of the word in Scripture and comparing translations. However, I find www.Biblehub.com better for researching the interlinear Bible, Strong’s definitions, and other deeper studies.

I hope you are inspired to go deeper in your own study of Biblical words and be encouraged, just as I have been. 

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